Robotfindskitten in FORTRAN

image of robotfindskitten in f77

An RFC-RFK-00-compliant version of robotfindskitten for MS-DOS, written in FORTRAN 77. The game is described as:

robotfindskitten is a zen simulation wherein a user plays the part of robot whose only purpose is to find kitten in an environment. robot's task is complicated by many objects which are not kitten (non-kitten objects or NKI) but which are indistinguishable from kitten without direct inspection. Thus, the simulation experience consists of navigating the environment, attempting to locate kitten, and finding kitten (or barring that, quitting).

RFK-F77 runs on MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP. On all other platforms, you can use DOSBox. Execute rfk.exe to start the game. Move the robot with the arrow keys, or hit q to quit.

The source code of RFK-F77 depends on some compiler extensions of Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 and must be linked with the Tenberry Software DOS/4G 32-bit extender. Simply run:

> wfl386.exe src\rfk.for /l=dos4g
> rfk.exe


download - RFK-F77 version 1.1.200, 32-bit DOS executable (219 KiB)

download - FORTRAN 77 source code (9.2 KiB)

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